Dear Colleague and Future Member,
Welcome to the membership section of the NYSAGD Web site. This portion of the site is intended to help you become familiar with all of the resources the AGD offers you as a member. Please take a moment to review all the information available here and make sure you are taking full advantage of your membership as a tool to enhance your dental career.
One item to remember is the AGD Transcript received final approval by the State of New York Department of Education for all licensure issues! This is extremely big news and means that any CE you take after July 1, 2009 will be accepted by the State just by turning in the AGD Transcript. So now you have insurance against audit issues or even when you renew your license...just another benefit of being part of the Academy.
You will want to visit the Issues and Advocacy section of the our Web site to read how the AGD, as the voice of general dentistry, is facing challenges from government, third party interests, and other entities that affect our members and the patients they treat. Representing our membership in this fashion is our top priority. The results of the AGD's recent hard work representing the general dentist appear in the Advocacy section of the Web site.
Also, stay on top of your continuing education (CE) credits with our local and on-line CE opportunities, and AGD Licensing Board Transcript and Award Transcripts.
As a member, you can also order fact sheets and DentalNotes to educate your patients, learn about discounts available through our AGD Benefits Plus program, and get the latest news and contact information, and much more. Dental students and residents: Be sure to visit the membership resources section specifically designed for you!
Visit this site frequently for additions and updates to your benefits as an AGD member. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the Membership Services Center at 888.AGD.DENT (243.3368), ext. 5300, or
Warm regards,
The New York State AGD
Board of Trustees