New York State Academy of Dentistry

19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204
Whitestone, NY 11357
Phone: (718) 747-3353
Fax: (718) 747-3355

Continuing Education

April 20, 2018 at 8:30 AM to April 22, 2018 at 4:30 PM


Resident/New Dentist $750.00
Member $1,200.00
Non-Member $1,350.00

General Information

Provider New York AGD Learning Center
Speaker Dr. John Alonge
Type/Category Participation
Credits 34 MCE

To biopsy or not, that is the question. Identification of benign and early detection of premalignant and malignant conditions is one of the most important responsibilities of the dentist. A lesion is a zone of tissue with impaired function as a result of damage by disease or wounding and is described by size, color, appearance, consistency and texture.

Empire State Spring MasterTrack Program 

"Practical Oral Surgery for the General Practitoner "

Dates: Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21, 2018

        Location: NYSAGD Learning Center, Whitestone, NY. 

            Registration 8:00 am, Lecture 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  

14 MCE Participation Credit Hours

(Participants will receive up to 34 MCE Participation Credit Hours Towards Mastership

Upon Completion of Their Presentation at the Fall 2018 Empire State Masters Program)

This program is open to all dentists including pre-fellows as credit is applied towards Mastership.

Presentation by Dr. John Alonge:

Dr. John Alonge is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology currently in private practice in Erie, Pennsylvania. Dr. Alonge is a Magna cum Laude graduate of the University of Maryland, where he received his dental degree as well a master’s degree in anatomy in 1983, along with numerous awards and honors; among them, election to Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society and Omicron Kappa Upsilon national dental honor society. He was selected for the U.S. Air Force General Practice Residency Program at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona which he completed in 1984. He was then transferred to Hickam AFB, Hawaii where for three years he served as Chief of Outpatient Oral Surgery prior to entering formal Oral and Maxillofacial Residency Training at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Upon completion of his surgery training in 1990, Dr. Alonge was then assigned to Wright-Patterson USAF Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio where he served as Oral Surgery Training Officer for the Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency Program. He separated from the Air Force in 1994 to enter private practice. As a result of his years of teaching, Dr. Alonge has extensive experience in all subspecialty areas such as dento-alveolar surgery, dental implants, corrective jaw and facial surgery. Dr. Alonge has lectured regionally, nationally and internationally and is a member of the Examination Committee for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.  He serves as a clinical instructor for the LECOM School of Dental Medicine Erie Outreach Clinic

Course Benefits/Highlights:  Learn how to become more proficient, efficient and confident with everyday office dental surgery.  You will receive immediate useful tips on:

                * Pertinent Complex Medical Management Issues

                * Anxiety and Pain Control

                * Dentoalveolar Surgery introducing minimally invasive atraumatic technique concepts and armamentarium

                * Socket preservation grafting

                * Third Molar surgery techniques

                * Understanding and Management of Infections

                * Biopsy Techniques      

With the use of custom made models, Dr. Alonge will guide you through hands-on exercises allowing you to become more proficient with:

1) surgical instrumentation

2) routine and surgical exodontia

3) third molar extractions

4) socket preservation grafting.

You will return to your office with new skills that will allow you to perform your surgical procedures with greater efficiency, predictability and confidence.


You will learn how to:

       •   Utilize specialty anatomic forceps for efficient and minimally invasive atraumatic surgery.

       •   Position instruments, patients and yourself to accomplish proficient routine and surgical dentoalveolar procedures.

       •   Perform alternative incision and flap designs to remove mandibular third molars.

       •   Utilize surgical burs, handpieces and elevators for rapid removal of teeth.

Benefits: You will come away with a greater understanding of oral soft tissue lesions, the value of diagnostic and surgical adjuncts.  You will perform soft tissue biopsies on tissues using conventional techniques.  Consent, specimen handling and submission, armamentarium and techniques will be reviewed.

 Case Presentations on Operative Dentistry will be Sunday, April 22

Regular Fee: $1200.00   

Non-member: $1350.00                                     

AGD New Dentist: $750.00 ( graduated after 2013)

(includes breakfasts. lunches, materials and case presentation session in 6 months)

Course Code: 310  

The Empire State Mastership Track is a “Protocol” program that complies with the standards and guidelines of AGD’s Council on Dental Education. In order to receive full participation credit the participant will be required to do a case presentation based on an in-office procedure that reflects the material taught by the instructor. The fee for this program includes the case presentation session, held approximately 6 months after the initial meeting.  This program is open to all dentists including pre-fellows as credit is applied towards Mastership.

The New York State constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry is an approved PACE provider.  The sponsor's formal CDE programs are acceptable by the AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and maintenance credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance by a state of provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/01/14 to 12/31/18.  AGD Code#219318