New York State Academy of Dentistry

19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204
Whitestone, NY 11357
Phone: (718) 747-3353
Fax: (718) 747-3355

Continuing Education

August 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


Student $0.00
Member $0.00
Non-Member $30.00
Staff/Auxiliary $0.00
Resident/New Dentist $0.00

General Information

Speaker Joseph DiDonato III, DDS, MBA, FAGD
Type/Category Webinar
Credits 2 MCE

The IME course presented in June with an additional 30 minutes of new cases.

The New York AGD Learning Center Presents

"DDS as CSI: Providing the Dental Independent Medical Exam - "Reloaded"

Date: Thursday,  August 6, 2020


       Course Code:  737

Presentation by: Joseph DiDonato III, DDS, MBA, FAGD

Dr. DiDonato received his DDS from NYU and an MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology. He is a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a past president of the New York State Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. DiDonato is an attending and clinical instructor in the Eastman Department
of Dentistry at the University of Rochester and maintains a part-time practice performing implant surgery and restoration. Dr DiDonato has studied at the Misch Institute, LVI and the NYU Implant Continuum. Dr DiDonato has been providing independent dental exams for third parties since 2007 and is currently working on a manuscript on the subject. Dr DiDonato is an avid amateur paleontologist and has been fossil hunting in China, North Africa and South America

Course Goals and Objectives:

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the purpose of the IME and the roles of interested parties.
2. Understand the role of the examining doctor.
3. Identify critical issues in the IME report.
4. Identify malingering and catastrophizing in dental injury reporting.
5. How to construct a complete report. 


New York AGD is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement.  The current term of approval extends from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020. Provider ID # 219318